August 12, 2013

Jonathan, one our outstanding bus teens who has spent a lot of time working around the church this summer, was concerned about his cousin and started bringing her to the church.  The Hopkins family took a special interest in Kristy and shared the plan of salvation with her.  Amy Hopkins started bringing Kristy to our discipleship classes on Thursday night.  Through it all, Kristy still had doubts – doubts about the existence of God, and doubts if this so-called God really loved her.  Yesterday, morning those doubts gave way to faith and Kristy walked the aisle to receive Christ as her personal Savior.  Amen!  Lisa DeOliveira was the altar worker who God used to make the way of salvation clear.  Kristy followed the Lord in baptism last night.  It was remarkable to see the immediate change in her life.  Praise the Lord!

We were also privileged to baptize Aspen Gushee yesterday.  Aspen was saved Wednesday night in our teen department.  What a great thrill to see both of these young ladies follow the Lord in baptism immediately upon their conversions.  This marks the 35th and 36th baptisms that we have witnessed this year.  Amen!

Drew Needham, a missionary builder, rolled into town last week to begin the carpet installation of the upstairs.  The main floor of the auditorium is now complete.  The platform, lobby, offices, and stair wells should be completed this week.  Drew works on a love offering basis and has been a tremendous help to many church plants across America.  The Drew family is gifted in music and did a wonderful job providing specials yesterday.

Sarah Taylor, a senior at Ambassador Baptist College and member of GRIBT, completed her missionary internship in the artic regions of Canada this summer.  Sarah reported on her work last night, and it was a blessing to our entire congregation.  We have three students returning to ABC this week.   We are proud of each of them.

Pray for Karen and me as we will be boarding a plane this afternoon for Ohio where we will be conducting a staff retreat for Mansfield Baptist Temple and Temple Christian School.  Rob Kurtz, the new pastor, is a fervent soul winner and God is blessing his ministry with fruit.  Pray that God will use me on Tuesday night and Wednesday morning as I speak to the staff, as well as Wednesday night when I preach at MBT.  We will fly back on Thursday.  We don’t want to miss seeing GRIBT in the softball playoffs!

Pastor and Mrs. Krampert will be returning to town today from the wedding of David Imondi, Jr.  Pray for safety in travel, as well as for his pulpit ministry at GRIBT on Wednesday night in my absence.

Ron Williams is our new Sunday School superintendent, and he is off to a great start.  We had an inspiring teachers meeting of both A and B Sunday School teachers after church yesterday.  The room was packed with teachers enthused about taking their classes to the next level with vision, vigor, and visitation.  Amen!

Thanks for your continued support of this ministry.  It does mean much to us.  Let’s stay occupied until the trumpet sounds.